International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing nr 1/2006 - NAKŁAD WYCZERPANY
Duch W. and Biesiada J., Margin-based feature selection
filter for microarray gene expression data....................... 9
Obuchowicz A., Stability of the evolutionary search
with the local selection and a-stable mutation...................... 35
Kordos M. and Duch W., Variable step search MLP
training method...................... 45
Bernataviciene J., Dzemyda G., Kurasova O. and Vainoras A.,
Integration ofclassification andvisualizationfor diagnosis decisions...................... 57
Matsumoto T. and Ohnishi N., Content-based sub-image
retrieval by wavelet transform-based LOIfeatures...................... 69
Czabański R. and Przybyła T., Median fuzzy conditional clustering...................... 79
Gorzałczany M. B. and Rudziński F., Application of dynamic
self-organizing neural networks to WWW-document clustering...................... 89
Podraza R. and Dominik A., Problem of data reliability
in decision tables...................... 103
Suraj Z. and Rząsa W., Rough set analysis of decision systems
according to the relaxed consistency principle...................... 113
Słowik A., Białko M. and Maslennikow O.,
Evolutionary optimization of combinational digital circuits
with current-mode gates with respect to transistor count...................... 125
López Batista V., Alonso Romero L. and Moreno Garcia M. N.,
Grammatical inferences with evolutionary algorithms...................... 135
Ritthipravat P., Maneewarn T., Wyatt J. and Laowattana D.,
Improved knowledge sharing using regret evaluation...................... 149
Chon J. and Kim H., Robust andfast image feature points
tracking through variable weights...................... 163
Shen M., Xu W. and Beadle P. J., Method for identifying
the time-varying parameters ofAR model using neural network...................... 175
Chen Y., Abraham A. and Zhang Y., Ensemble of flexible
neural trees for breast cancer detection...................... 187
Cheng B., Design and implementation of temporal
description reasoning system...................... 203
Sakurai S. and Orihara R., Discovery of important threads
from bulletin board sites....................... 217