Studies in English Philology 1/2006 - NAKŁAD WYCZERPANY
Shelley Armitage
Shared and Shifting Land(scapes): Western Memoir as Personal Ecology
in the Works of Peggy Pond Church ................................................................................. 5
Bożena Kucała
“Continual Change and Constant Underlying Identity”: Representations
of London in Peter Ackroyd’s Writings ............................................................................ 29
Marek Kulisz
Political Correctness Against Democracy. Mr Fawlty and Freedom of Speech ........... 37
Kevin Magee
Infallible Indices: Reinscriptions of Shakespeare in Postwar American Poetry .......... 43
Jacek Mydla
Seeing Feelingly: Notes to a Cultural Biography of the Animated Statue ................... 61
Marta Oracz
Scientific View of the Universe: Uniform Nature and Universal Law ............................ 81
Anna Ruszczyńska
The influence of the Great Goddess myth on C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia ........ 99
Andrzej Wicher
The Ambiguities of The Tempest—on the relation between Shakespeare’s play
and its folk-tale background ..................................................................................... 109